David Shorr
Program Officer in Policy Analysis and Dialogue at the Stanley Foundation
"Uncharted Waters -- Steering US Foreign Policy Through Turbulent Times"
David Shorr is a program officer in Policy Analysis and Dialogue at the Stanley Foundation, currently focusing on national security strategy and the US role in the world. He is coeditor of Bridging the Foreign Policy Divide (Routledge), which collects the results of one of the foundation’s projects. From 1986-2000, Shorr worked in Washington on a range of subjects including arms control, humanitarian crisis response, conflict resolution, and human rights. Over those years, he was an advocate with Human Rights First, Refugees International, Search for Common Ground, British American Security Information Council, Arms Control Association, and Physicians for Social Responsibility. Shorr is a contributor to the foreign policy blog Democracy Arsenal. He has published essays in the journals Survival, Policy Review, Connecticut Journal of International Law, and Helsinki Monitor as well as opinion pieces in the New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Des Moines Register, The Globalist, Cedar Rapids Gazette, Iowa City Press-Citizen, Philadelphia Inquirer, Newsday, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and Houston Post.
Shorr received his B.A. from Brown University and masters in public administration from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. He is also associate lecturer at the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point, where he teaches US foreign policy. A lifelong fan of pop music, Shorr has played guest DJ twice on NPR’s World CafĂ© with his themed “Top 5” song sets.

Karin von Hippel is co-director of the CSIS Post-Conflict Reconstruction Project and senior fellow with the CSIS International Security Program. Previously, she was a senior research fellow at the Centre for Defense Studies, King’s College London, and spent several years working for the United Nations and the European Union in Somalia and Kosovo.
In 2004 and 2005, she participated in two major studies for the UN—one on UN peacekeeping and the second on the UN humanitarian system. Also in 2004, she was part of a small team funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development to investigate the development potential of Somali remittances. In 2002, she advised the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on the role of development cooperation in discovering the root causes of terrorism. Since then, she has participated in numerous conferences and working groups on the subject in Africa, Europe, and North America. She also directed a project on European counterterrorist reforms funded by the MacArthur Foundation and edited the volume Europe Confronts Terrorism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005).
She was a member of Project Unicorn, a counterterrorism police advisory panel in London. Additional publications include Democracy by Force (Cambridge, 2000), which was short-listed for the Westminster Medal in Military History; "Report on Integrated Missions: Practical Perspectives and Recommendations" (UN ECHA Core Group, 2005); "Counter Radicalization Development Assistance" (Danish Institute for International Studies, 2006); "Blurring of Mandates in Somalia" in Humanitarian Diplomacy: Practitioners and Their Craft (UN University Press, 2007); and "A Counterradicalization Strategy for a New U.S. Administration" in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social July 2008. She received her Ph.D. in international relations from the London School of Economics, her M.St. from Oxford University, and her B.A. from Yale University.
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